Monday, June 11, 2012

Northwest May Classic

DCC Traveler (my trusty stallion) and I had a very exciting weekend in May. We competed in our first recognized event of the year at Northwest in the Novice division. This time we competed in the Open division.

We did it, we finished and we placed 8th and in the ribbons and prizes. It was probably the best ride I have ever had on Traveler but competition was a lot more fierce in the Open division.

Traveler had a fantastic dressage score!! Dressage is really hard for us, so that was thrilling. And Traveler jumped every jump, didn't hesitate at a single fence.

The ramp on cross-country

Crossing the finish line! 

 Stadium - tuck those knees....


 More stadium....

And over the schoolhouse in the last loop of the cross-country course.
It was exhilarating, exhausting and really, really successful. 
I can hardly wait for the next event!
Until then... Liz and Traveler

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pacific Northwest Driven Dressage Festival

 On June 2nd my mare "Legacy" and I competed in the PNWDF held at Olivia Farms in Ford, WA
 We drove our first Driven Dressage tests and learned volumes, it was a great experience.

 On June 3rd, we took a lesson from our PNWDF judge.  The judge was an awesome instructor.
Again, we learned volumes, had a blast and we are on our way to preparing for our next competition.